TACKLE IT marks a firm and tangible sport-wide commitment to inclusion, diversity, and anti-discrimination, which aims to:
1 – widen the reach and impact of Rugby League
2 – diversify the game’s talent pool
3 – improve the culture of Rugby League
4 – clarify processes, instil confidence in and encourage reporting of discrimination, and ensure that appropriate sanctions are in place.
The goals and actions support all the protected characteristics (in the Equality Act 2010): age; disability; gender reassignment; marriage and civil partnership; pregnancy and maternity; race; religion or belief; sex; and sexual orientation. With a focus on areas requiring particular support at specific times.
The plan includes actions on player and coach recruitment and development, talent inclusion and progression, community outreach and club development, as well as on ensuring zero tolerance of all forms of discrimination within the game.
Responsibility for delivering against the plan rests with a wide range of organisations, including the RFL, Super League (Europe), professional and community clubs, RL Cares and RLWC2021.
The club’s first-team have discussed their own approach to supporting the ‘Tackle It’ campaign and feel that ‘taking the knee’ was not having a wide enough impact and not posing enough pertinent questions. The squad have taken inspiration from Olympian Jesse Owens to show support of the campaign. It is widely hoped that by taking this approach, people with think more deeply about why instances of discrimination occur and how these can be eradicated. This will not only improve the culture of Rugby League but wider society as a whole.